Japanese Petty Knives

Petty Knives Made in Japan

The Japanese petty knife is a small, versatile kitchen knife ideal for precision tasks like peeling, trimming, and decorative cutting. Japanese petty knives are known for having a sharp, thin blade, making it a favorite for delicate work and an essential complement to larger knives in both professional and home kitchens.

These smaller, multi-purpose knives are essential for cutting small vegetables and fruit, herbs, and other detailed preparation work. 

Our Japanese knives feature blades that are thinner along the spine and are made from harder varieties of steel, which can stay sharp longer than most western-style knives. 

Blade lengths range from 3-6" (80-150mm) and these knives feature beautiful wood handles

Our knives are designed to stand up to the rigors of professional kitchens and we guarantee they will perform for years in any cooking environment.

Buy Japanese Chef Knives Online

These knives are some of the most sought-after cutlery for chefs of every level. Easily order these high-quality Japanese kitchen knives online. Shop our entire collection of petty knives now!


  • What is a petty knife? A petty knife is a small all purpose knife for detailed work on small vegetables, fruits and herbs.
  • Why is it called a petty knife?  It is believed that the petty knife is named from the French word ‘petite’ meaning small. 

How do you hold a petty knife? There are basically two options for holding a petty knife.  The pinch grip, where you pinch the blade between the thumb pointer finger and wrap the remaining three fingers around the handle.  And the hammer grip, where you hold the handle with the thumb on one side and the remaining four fingers wrapped as you would for a hammer.